As hard as this season is, I am convinced we have an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a central call of our faith: to love our neighbors. Simple connections and acts of kindness can give hope to the discouraged, create new friendships, and even open the door for life-changing conversations.

“Love… Where You Live” is a simple initiative championed by several churches in Katy and West Houston in the midst of our “Shelter in Place” experience.

Imagine a cul-de-sac of families “socially distanced” in their driveways, but sharing stories about their lives. Imagine children giving concerts at curbside on their instruments from the school band. Imagine a widow who lives alone with the new assurance that she has others walking through this with her. And imagine a community of believers praying for their neighbors every day – by name and by need, because they’ve spent the time to listen.

Pastor Tim Barker | Senior Pastor, Katy Community Fellowship

Love… Where You Live

Mapping Your Street

Step One: Write a Note

Writing a note to your neighbors and putting it on their door is a simple way to connect and reach out during this time. Make sure you include a way for them to contact you.

Sample Note:

Hey Neighbors – 

Polly and I hope that each of you are doing well and staying healthy. Needless to say, these are unusual days and it looks like they will continue through April. I know all of us are trying our best to adhere to the Stay Home Work Safe guidelines for our county in order to keep ourselves and others safe while taking care of our families. Because of all the challenges right now, I thought it might be helpful if we got a group text going so we can easily stay in touch. This will enable us to check in on one another, let all of us know if anyone needs something, or maybe even just coordinate a socially distant evening coffee hour in the cul-de-sac to get out of the house and visit. If you’re interested, please send me your name, the names of everyone living in your house, and your address, one cell phone number per household, and I’ll get the group text started. 

Tim and Polly Barker (son-Trey, daughter-Tara)

(Copy the note above and safely distribute it to your neighbors.)

Step Two: Map out your street

Simply draw your street on a sheet of paper and write the names of your neighbors. Once you get everyone’s names back, fill in each home accordingly.

Place the map somewhere in your home where you will see it, so you can think, connect, and pray for your neighbors.

Prayer Guide

Prayer Guide

Imagine what it would be like if no one prayed for you. Imagine what it would be like if prayers were not prayed in your home. Imagine what iwould be like if prayers were prayed in your home to a false god. Imagine what it would be like if we did not pray to our God, have the Spirit within us or were not saved, delivered and set free from darkness by the power of the Gospel. 

This is the life of the unbeliever. The lost. The one walking in darkness. This may be the life of your neighbor. This may be the life of the family behind closed doors, regardless of how beautiful those doors may appear. 

As believers, we can love our neighbors well by praying for them to receive what we have been given – salvation, a new life in Christ and the promise of eternal life. 

It Starts with My Heart

Prayer: God, I confess my need for you. I need you to break my heart for the lost. I need you to open my eyes so that I can see my neighbors through your eyes. Forgive me for being critical, judgmental, uncaring, unconcerned and unloving towards my neighbors. Change my heart towards my neighbors. Give me your love and your heart for my neighbors. Holy Spirit, speak to me, lead me and anoint me to pray for my neighbors. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 


It’s exciting to be a part of a Christ community that is full of expectation at what the possibilities are for our city as we join together for a God-size and yet simple living gospel of praying and loving where we live…for the glory of Jesus!

This simple prayer guide is a tool to aid you in this special time of prayer April 19 through May 7, National Day of Prayer when we will join as a city May 7th via We felt the Spirit leading us to Jesus’ words, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19 As you utilize these Scripture-based prayers we believe our faith in God’s word releases the power from heaven that binds the enemy’s lies and plans over our community. Similarly, when we loose something on earth, we permit and release it as God’s truth and will over Katy & West Houston. This is how we want to come together in agreement for our city! Find time each day to do some spiritual breathing first— breathe out (confess) and breathe in, inviting God’s Spirit to fill and empower you. We suggest using this during your quiet time, or a walk, or mealtime, or even as your drive. Just print this little pamphlet out and carry with you and pray these over your neighbors beside you and across from you. Let’s believe together for these promises of God to happen in our day as we pray and love where we live!